We wake up shortly before 9 o'clock after we have slept really well – probably because it is so abnormally quiet here on the pitch. In Stuttgart we are used to a lot of noise. I would have thought that we might even miss moving trains in front of our apartment at night. It is still quite cool in the motorhome and we urgently need a coffee. The first time that we use the stove in the kitchen and our espresso pot.

Afterwards we go out and explore the surroundings. On the pitch there is still nobody but us and also on the campsite there is rather little activity. This will probably look completely different during the high season in July and August. We walk to the reception to pay our 10€ parking fee for the last night and stroll to the reservoir. This is not far away and lies idyllically between meadows and forests. It's not very big, I guess you could walk around the lake in less than an hour. After we have seen enough of this idyll we head back to the motorhome. It's time for breakfast. We were shopping at Lidl yesterday, but somehow our supplies are still very incomplete. We have toast (from the pan) with cheese and a few olives. It' okay, but we have to go shopping again today and stock up. We also decide to spend the day at the Ohmbach reservoir and continue to Trier tomorrow. The weather is great, the pitch too - so why rush? This is in my opinion one of the advantages of such a motorhome: you're not bound to strict schedules and can sometimes stay longer where you like.

I'd like to take a shower. According to the control panel, the fresh water tank is still 75% full and the waste water tank at 25%. But what does that mean? In the worst case, I'm foamed in and there's no more water left. We still lack the experience how long the water supply lasts and therefore I think that I better postpone the shower until tomorrow. There we continue with the journey to Trier and can shortly visit the supply and disposal station on the pitch to fill the tank again and drain the dirty water.

Instead we set out to explore the lake. Just a short walk around the shore to see what's going on. It turns out, however, that this isn't very much. There is a pedal boat rental, another camper site and a kind of beer garden. And also two villages with strange names: "Sand" and "Gries". We visit the latter in search of a shop. However, there don't seem to be any shopping facilities there, and in addition we almost get a heat stroke. The sun is shining, there is no shade anywhere and to get into the village you have to walk up a steep hill. It feels like we're on a trip through the desert.
Half an hour later - back at the reception of the campsite - we learn that there are supposed to be some shops in the nearby village "Schönenberg-Kübelberg". We're told that it's about 500 meters away. The distance indication makes us suspicious, after all we have walked around the whole lake before and have found nothing. Nevertheless, we set off towards the village.

After another half hour we reach the shopping mile consisting of Aldi, Penny and a dm market. Those were definitely very long 500 meters! If we'd known that, we would have come here in the motorhome. But afterwards you are always smarter and we could have studied the distances in more detail on the mobile phone.
After we have dragged our purchase back to the pitch the hunger comes up. The menu of the campsite restaurant looks good and so we treat ourselves there again to asparagus dishes. Unfortunately, the taste experience falls well short of that of the previous evening. The food is not bad, but there is no excitement either. But what can you expect here? I guess most people just go out to eat at the campsite out of convenience and not because they serve culinary delicacies.
All in all we are satisfied and end the day with fresh strawberries and gin-tonic with a few episodes of "The Path" in the motorhome.

Continue reading
- Wednesday, 09.05.2018 - Arrival in Trier
- Thursday, 10.05.2018 - A day in Trier
- Friday, 11.05.2018 - Visit to Luxembourg city
- Saturday, 12.05.2018 - The last day of our trip
- Sunday, 13.05.2018 - Time to go home