We get up relatively early today and ask at the campsite reception how the check-out actually works. We might want to leave around 1 pm, exactly during the lunch break of the site. And during that time, the barrier is closed. We are given a green card with which we can open it on departure. And we even get a refund on the late checkout fees because we leave so early. That's really nice! We reinvest part of the money to buy two baguettes which are still lying around at the reception - our breakfast for today.
We abandon the idea of going back to the Luxembourg city for shopping. The effort seems to be too high. Also, the city is quite nice but we were not really excited. So we quickly put away all of our luggage and set off on the journey to our last station near Saarbrücken. About 130km from here. Bye bye Luxembourg!
The Saarland thermal spa is located approx. 15km away from Saarbrücken, on the outskirts of Kleinblittersdorf. The pitch is right next door on the edge of a wooded area and has a maximum capacity of 61 motorhomes. Theoretically, reservations are also possible, but only if you stay more than two days. When we arrive the situation is very relaxed and we can choose where we want to park. Next door there is also a party with sausages, beer and a lot of hullabaloo. It is worth mentioning that you can get the Saarland-Card for one night on this pitch (valid until the day of departure). There's a lot you can do with it. It's a cool thing. I don't know if there is anything like this in Baden-Württemberg. But if not, that would be an idea! For example, we can use the card to get access to the spa free of charge for two hours. The entrance fee would normally be 20€ per person (!), for the pitch (one night and two persons) we pay a total of 18€. So it's really worth it! If you want to stay longer than two hours in the spa you can simply pay extra. For four hours this is an additional 5€ per person.
After we arrive Claudi needs a strawberry cake for her spiritual wellbeing. Actually, it's been like this for a few days, but now the situation is becoming critical. Before we can go swimming we walk to the Edeka in the neighbouring village Richlingen-Hanweiler. The distance is quite long, but the efforts are worth it: we eat the best strawberry cake since a long time! And huge pieces too! While we're eating, the baker sells all the rest of the cake. How lucky we are today! If we had only been here five minutes later, the day would not have ended well.

Instead everything is great and we return to the motorhome to get our swimsuits. Tonight is the long thermal night, that means the bath is open until 3 o'clock at night! We stay there from about 8 pm to midnight and eat in the restaurant. It takes a lot of getting used to eating between bathing, so afterwards we are totally exhausted and have to rest for a while. But if you eat more than 10€ you will get 30 minutes additional bathing time anyway. The bathroom itself is great, there are various pools with different temperatures, water types and also an outdoor area. We also like the Moorish style very much. Unfortunately it's a bit full, but it's still bearable. At the checkout we learn later that it is usually much fuller and the night is rather a quiet one. Around 11 pm the sky darkens more and more and a thunderstorm comes up, whereupon the outside area is closed. But it's no big deal, because we were about to leave anyway.

As we fall into bed it really starts to rain and thunder. While I am thinking about the safety of a GRP motorhome body during thunderstorms I fall asleep.