Task Till Dawn 1.4 was just released. And as brevity is the soul of wit, here is just a listing of whats new …
Big Ben tweets
Web 2.0 does not even spare the Big Ben …
Website now multilingual
Today I updated this page so that it now supports multiple languages. It's now possible to switch between German and English as display-language. Admittedly, most contents have not been translated yet - but I am working on it! I won't be able to always translate all blog articles in the future. But I will translate all of what might be important.
Task Till Dawn 1.3
Tonight, I released version 1.3 of Task Till Dawn. The new version contains many small bugfixes and changes, especially regarding the compatibility to Snow Leopard. The task-scheduler has been rewritten and is now more reliable, and the whole application is now multilingual (English and German). Also, I added support for different notification services - like Growl (on the Mac). With it, and the optional service Prowl, it is possible to receive Task Till Dawn notifications on the iPhone and/or on the iPod touch.
Snow Leopard loses data when moving files
In the past, Mac OS X Finder already had a bug which caused deletion of files when trying to move them over the network onto a network share. The bug later got fixed by Apple with one of the system updates. Now, it seems to be back - or at least a similar bug.
Yesterday evening I wanted to move two files (luckily just weblinks) onto one of my AFP shares in the home network. After the operation, one of both files had disappeared.
Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes
Like I already wrote in the description of Task Till Dawn, I use it mainly to automatically update my Podcasts. iTunes has the bad habit of setting all Podcasts inactive which have not been seen or heard for a while.
Seville and Cádiz
For one week I enjoyed the good weather together with my girlfriend in Seville and Cádiz. Even though the heat in Seville with over 42°C during the day was hardly bearable anymore. The people of southern Spain seem to have a tendency to operate all air conditioning systems at maximum power. That means that you wait at over 40°C at the train station, get on the train in which it feels like 10°C, to be be struck by a heat wave a little later at another station when getting off. And then you enter a restaurant and almost freeze to death.
Otherwise the holiday was great and very relaxing.Seville is a very pretty city, with many sights and a good nightlife. I especially liked Calle Betis with its many bars and clubs. Furthermore, the little street is located directly at the Guadalquivir, where you can sit comfortably in the evening and enjoy the view.
Cádiz is rather a typical tourist place, which has not too much to offer except the sea at the front door. The beach is relatively stony, so you have to be careful not to bend your knees when swimming.
Recommended is the Torre Tavira, which contains a Camera Obscura. During a 15-minute demonstration you can see all other important sights of the city. These can then be visited comfortably by foot. A stay of two to three days is sufficient for this. If you are good on foot you can probably walk through the whole city several times in that time.

The past weekend was – as usual – too short and dominated of little sleep, a lot of work and excessive coffee consumption. My adenosine receptors have probably trebled during that time. Anyhow, my website is finally online on which I would like to broadcast my thoughts on various topics to the world at irregular intervals.