Yesterday, Facebook bought Oculus VR, the company behind the virtual reality device Oculus Rift, for 2 billion Euros. This makes me really sad. I just got my Oculus Rift Development Kit (DK1) at the beginning of this year, and I found it to be really amazing, even though it showed that there was still a lot of effort needed to get it ready for the consumer market.
I personally don't like Facebook and it feels like Oculus VR just turned to the dark side of the force. I understand that they can use the money they just gained to speed up development of the Rift and to be better prepared for other competitors like Sony, but I can think of a lot of other tech companies to which Oculus VR would have better fitted than Facebook. And who knows what plans Facebook has regarding the future of Oculus.
So now I'm curious what John Carmack will do. Is he going to stay at Facebook, or will he leave and go to a competitor? I hope that Valve will maybe bring out their own device, but who knows...